Each December, thousands of pharmacists gather together the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in order to share the latest and greatest information related to the pharmacy world. The Midyear Clinical Meeting is also home to one of the biggest gatherings of pharmacy residents, where residents present findings on their respective residency projects.

As you may or may not know, Union Medical Pharmacy has recently started a pharmacy residency program, aimed at focusing on the development of skills necessary for the resident to be a competent pharmacist in all areas of care. This year’s resident, Vicky Belousova, presented a poster on her Residency Project, entitled “Sustainability of a Pharmacist Driven, Practice-embedded Medication Management Service ” on Wednesday, December 9th, 2015.
The project will focus on not only improving the care of those individuals with hypertension and diabetes, but also generating a sustainability model, which could allow for reimbursement strategies for pharmacists providing these necessary services.
For more information about the project or the residency program, feel free to contact us.
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